
HARVARD, 3; B. A. A., 1


In a long, hard scrimmage last night the University hockey team defeated the B. A. A. by the score of three goals to one. Huntington was back on the ice after a lay-off since the Princeton game; he showed the effects of his illness, in that he was slower than usual. Sortwell has not recovered from the injury which he received in the Princeton game.

The work of the defence men in getting the puck out of the corners and carrying it up the ice was better than it has been before during this season, Blackall especially showing improvement in this department. The forward line lacked its usual aggressiveness, but was more than a match for the B. A. A. defence.

The goals last night were two scored by Blackall, and one each by Duncan and Hicks. Hicks's goal was the result of a beautiful shot following a brilliant piece of individual play, in which he showed himself able to outskate the University defence.

The line-ups: HARVARD.  B. A. A. Palmer, Baldwin, Hanson, l.e.  r.e., J. W. Foster Duncan, Morgan, l.c.  r.c., Hicks Huntington, Adams, r.c.  l.c., Osgood Pierce, Reeves, r.e.  l.e., Leslie Blackall, Wingate, c.p.  c.p., Heron Willetts, Houston, p.  p., N. H. Foster, H. Foster, Jr. H. B. Gardner, Smart, g.  g., Canterbury
