
Operatic Concerts in Sanders

The first of a series of ten historic operatic concerts will be given in Sanders Theatre tomorrow evening at 8.15 o'clock. Professor W. R. Spalding '87 will lecture on Italian composers and music of the 16th and 17th centuries, and the musical program will be presented by the following artists: Mlle, Madeline d'Olige, soprano; Mlle, Florence de Courcy, contralto; Sig. Alfredo Ramella, tenor; M. Ramon Blanchart, baritone; Mr. Edward Lankow, basso; and Sig. Caesare Clandestim, accompanist.

Course tickets for the series may be obtained by officers and students in the University, Radcliffe, and University extension courses at $3 each, and by the general public at $4 each at the main store of the Co-operative Society, Boston Opera House and Herrick's.

The remaining nine concerts will be given on January 30, February 6, 14, 21, and 28, March 7, 13, 20, and 26.
