

Holder of Yale Pole-vault Record Elected to Succeed Childs as Head of Track Team.

R. A. Gardner '12 was unanimously elected captain of the Yale track team for 1912 at a meeting of the members of the team eligible to vote held yesterday afternoon. The election was made necessary by the resignation of Clarence Childs '12 who has left college to enter business. The other possible choice for the position was E. U. Thatcher.

Gardner prepared for Yale at Andover where he pole-vaulted for two years, in his last year making over 11 feet. He was captain of the 1912 Freshman track team at Yale, and in the summer of 1910 was amateur golf champion of America. He has vaulted for two years on the University track team and last year set a new record in the event. In addition Gardner is leader of the Glee Club, captain of the University Golf team, and was chairman of the Junior Prom Committee. His home is in Evanston, Illinois.
