(We invite all men in the University to submit communications on subjects of timely interest.)
To the Editors of the CRIMSON:
I notice in this morning's CRIMSON that the time for receiving applications for rooms in the Senior dormitories has been extended. While this may be advisable on account of the small number of applications already received, it seems but fair that the applications which were received on time should be shown preference in the allotment. All Juniors were given the same opportunity to apply, since ample notice of the closing date was given, and the fact that delinquents are to be given a second opportunity to present applications should not entitle them to the same consideration due to those who were prompt. The committee may have provided for this but nothing in the notice of extension indicates this fact. If this policy of extending closing dates, which is so popular at present, is continued, it will tend to discourage prompt compliance with conditions and put a premium on procrastination. H. F. BROWNE '13.
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