

What more trite lament arises nowadays from professor, parent, and college magazine than the way in which undergraduates neglect the many opportunities to come in contact with the men worth knowing in and about the University community? Not only are we often at more than bowing distance from our own professors, but we attend very few of the many excellent lecturers of which the CRIMSON takes pains to inform the undergraduate world. A few nights ago one of the best-known lecturers of Boston talked to a mere handful of men in the Union. The men who drop in to talk with the University preacher at Wadsworth House are far fewer than should be the case, considering the varied benefit of such an opportunity. The truth of the matter is that most of us are so overwhelmed with these and other "opportunities," that we become bewildered and do not always choose wisely. Truly, as one of our own teachers puts it "the undergraduate leads the scattered life."

But even so, no undergraduate is too busy to spend at least a few minutes a week in chatting with some of the better known men of the country at such a place as a University Tea. Today Dr. and Mrs. Endicott Peabody of Groton will assist in receiving at the Tea. We believe that the custom of having special guests on these occasions, whether they happen to be the weekly University preachers or not, is one to be decidedly encouraged. Especially should the committee in charge attempt to have the heads of the larger preparatory schools present, for often the college man, unable to return to school, would seize this chance to keep in touch with former interests. We understand that this custom has been in vogue in the past. We hope it will continue and the opportunities for meeting these men increase.
