

Results of Yesterday's Games.--Four Matches Scheduled for Today.

Five games in the scrub hockey series were played on the Stadium rinks yesterday afternoon and one was defaulted. The results were as follows: the Hired Girls defeated the Cardinals, 2 to 1; The Little Jeffs defeated the Chuck-a-pucks, 2 to 1; the Seven Sutherland Sisters defeated the Neverhomes, 6 to 0; the Decoys defeated the Whiff-Whaffs by default; the Hot Stuffs defeated the Seven Shooters, 4 to 0; the Whiffenpoofs defeated the Alfalfas, 2 to 1.

The following four games will be played in the Stadium this afternoon provided there is ice: at 2.45 o'clock, Fortune Hunters vs. New Moons; at 3.15 o'clock, internationals vs. Prickly Heats; at 3.45 o'clock. Nevertrains vs. Easy Marks, Hot-Shep-Suts vs. Hard Guys. The game between the Nevertrains and Easy Marks will be played on the Freshman rink; other games on the other rink.
