8.45. -- Morning prayers in Appleton Chapel by Professor J. W. Platner.
12.00.--Lecture on steam turbines by Dr. Loewenstein in Pierce 110.
3.00.--Freshman hockey with St. Mark's at Southborough.
4.30.--"The Progressive Movement in its Relation to Social Service," by Dr. Crothers in Emerson D.
First practice for swimming teams in Y. M. C. A. tank.
7.00.--Meeting of St. Paul's Society in Brooks House.
8.00.--Lecture on whales by Professor Kuekenthal in Huntington Hall, Boston.
Organ recital in Chapel of Andover Theological Seminary by Dr. A. T. Davison, Jr., '06.
8.15.--Concert by Musical Clubs in Sanders Theatre.
9.00.--Reading by Professor Copeland in Dining Room of Union.
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University Tea This Afternoon