

The Opportunities of Brooks House.

(We invite all men in the University to submit communications on subjects of timely interest.)

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

We wish to call the attention of the undergraduate body to the rare opportunity offered by the Phillips Brooks House Association tonight. As is announced in today's CRIMSON, President Lowell will speak on the place Brooks House occupies in the University. Following this, a brief outline of the work of Brooks House during the College year will be given.

Harvard students are, to say the least, conservative in their open expression of religious views. This does not mean that there is less religious thought, or philanthropic effort, contributed at Harvard than at other universities. We, as Harvard men are inclined to be conservative in all ways and it is natural that little or no expression is given to our accomplishments along religious lines. It is no wonder, then, that many undergraduates are totally ignorant of the tremendous amount of work done by Harvard students through the medium of Brooks House.

The work of Brooks House does not begin with the reception to Freshmen nor end with the University Teas. Suffice it to say that Brooks House is gradually being accepted among the undergraduates at large as more than a mere contribution box, and that the work carried on today includes more than supplying settlement workers, old clothes, and text books to charity. It includes a growing internal organization, with a gathering of the denominational groups, and also enrolls many men in Bible study classes where religious, moral, and other questions are discussed with a quiet freedom that has been of great benefit to more than one of those present.


Brooks House is coming into its own; it is becoming the centre of our social and religious expression, and it will be well worth while for any undergraduate to hear President Lowell and Arthur Beane speak tonight.  L. WITHINGTON, JR., 1L.  D. P. RANNEY '12.  P. G. M. AUSTIN '13
