
What is Going on Today

8.30.--Beginning of second day's session of Bible Study Institute in Phillips Brooks House.

8.45.--Morning prayers in Appleton Chapel by Rev. Dr. H. L. Willett.

12.00.--Lecture on "Steam Turbine Types" by Dr. L. C. Loewenstein in Pierce 110.

1.30.--Lecture on "Shoe Store Methods" by Mr. A. C. McGowin in Lawrence 4.

4.00.--Handicap shot-putting competition in Baseball Cage.

Advertisement Tea in Phillips Brooks House.

7.30.--Lecture on "Socialism and Anarchy" by Dr. A. N. Holcombe '06 in Holworthy 2.

8.00.--Lecture on "Philosophy and Life" by Dr. George Trumbull Ladd in Emerson J.

9.00.--Junior smoker in Dining Room of Union.
