
Progress of Freshman Squad

Owing to the weather the practice of the Freshman football squad yesterday was necessarily of the lightest nature, consisting chiefly of a light signal practice, the men being given their first tryout at handling a wet ball. Much attention was again paid to the forward pass and improvement was noticeable in spite of the poor conditions.

The work of the past week has been of the most elementary kind. Ever since the squad was first called out on Monday it has been steadily growing until now a large number of men are practicing daily. At first instruction was given in falling on the ball and tackling the dummy. About the middle of the week punting, catching and running in kicks, and forward passing was taken up. This was followed by practice in simple formations and drill in blocking and breaking through for the linemen. During the week consistent improvement has been shown in all departments of the game which so far have been taken up. Many of the candidates for the backfield are heavy and fast and have shown much ability. The linemen have improved but are still a bit crude in their work. The end material has benefited by the coaching it has received and shows promise.

No scrimmages have as yet been attempted so it is difficult to determine the merits of the individual players. A scrimmage will undoubtedly be held within the next week, however, as the condition of the men has improved greatly.

Several men have been assisting Coach H. C. Dewey '12, including L. Withington, Jr., 1L., H. Foster, Jr., '07, H. L. Gaddis '12, J. S. Parker '13, and K. Reynolds '14.
