
List of Sunday Preachers

The following is the list of preachers at the Sunday services in Appleton Chapel for the whole year:

Oct. 1.--Professor E. C. Moore, D.D., Cambridge.

October 8 and 15.--Rev. H. S. Coffin, D.D., Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church, New York.

Oct. 22.--Rev. W. G. Thayer, St. Mark's School, Southboro.

Oct. 29.--Rt. Rev. A. S. Lloyd, D.D., Bishop of Virginia.


Nov. 5 and 12.--Rev. William Lawrence, D.D., Bishop of Massachusetts.

Nov. 19.--Rev. A. P. Fitch, D.D., President Andover Seminary, Cambridge.

Nov. 26.--Rev. M. O. Simons, S.T.B., Cleveland, O.

Dec. 5.--Dr. W. T. Grenfell.

Dec. 10.--Rt. Rev. C. D. Williams, D.D., Bishop of Michigan.

Dec. 17.--Rev. A. P. Fitch, D.D., President Andover Seminary, Cambridge.

Dec. 24.--Professor E. C. Moore, D.D., Cambridge.

Recess Dec. 23 to Jan. 2.

Jan. 7 and 14.--Rev. H. L. Willett, House of the Disciples, Chicago, Ill.

Jan 21 and 28.--Rev. C. E. Park, First Unitarian Church, Boston.

Feb. 4 and 11.--Rev. Lyman Abbott, D.D., Editor, Outlook, New York City.

Feb. 18.--Rev. M. W. Stackpole, Andover Academy, Andover.

Feb. 25.--Rev. Professor Henry van Dyke, D.D., Princeton, N. J.

Mar. 3 and 10.--Rev. P. W. Rhinelander, Episcopal Theological Seminary, Cambridge.

Mar. 17.--Professor G. H. Palmer, Cambridge.

Mar. 24.--Rev. A. H. Gray, Glasgow, Scotland.

Mar. 31, April 7 and 14.--Rev. A. P. Fitch, D.D., President Andover Seminary, Cambridge.

Recess April 15 to 20.

Apr. 21.--Rev. C. E. Park, First Unitarian Church, Boston.

Apr. 28.--Bishop E. O. Hughes, San Francisco, Cal.

May 5 and 12.--Rev. H. L. Willett, House of the Disciples, Chicago, Ill.

May 19.--Rev. C. R. Brown, D.D., Yale Divinity School, New Haven, Conn.

May 26.--Rev. C. E. Park, First Unitarian Church, Boston.

June 9.--Rev. U. G. B. Pierce, Chaplain U. S. Senate, Washington, D. C.

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