
Theological Seminary's New Building

The new building of the Andover Theological Seminary will be opened informally thin morning with a service in the chapel, which members of the Seminary and of the Harvard Divinity School will attend.

Sixteen month have been occupied in bringing the building to a state of completion. It is built in the style of the late Georgian period, a light-colored granite being used in the construction of the exterior. The low square windows which predominate, the extreme light and narrowness, and the massive tower which co-ordinates the two wings, all tend to lend an appearance of stern, almost forbidding severity to the structure.

The main entrance of the building leads into a long a hall built to produce the effect of an interior cloister. Turning to the right along this hall leads to the library reference room and book-stacks. These stacks are large enough to hold the combined libraries of the Andover the combined libraries of the Andover Theological Seminary and the Harvard Divinity School. They are thoroughly fireproof, and lighted in the day time by skylights. Glass flooring allow this light to reach the lower floors.

At the other end of the hall from the library is a large lounging room, lighted on three sides by windows. Opening off the main hallway are four class-rooms, built to hold from eighteen to fifty men. The building is also fitted throughout with many conference rooms in which a large part of the seminar work will be done.

On the second floor above the reference room of the library is the chapel. This has a single aisle between rows of long pews. The simplicity of the architecture employed in this room's construction serves to emphasize its impressiveness. An organ which cost over $6,000, the gift of a single anonymous donor has been installed. The seating capacity is about 200. It is expected that dedication services will be held in the latter part of October.


The remainder of the second floor is given over to offices of administration and small rooms for students to consult with their instructors. The remainder of the building is occupied by dormitories. As the dormitory wing of the building has not been completed some of the students of the Andover theological Seminary will have to be quartered in the buildings of the Harvard Divinity School, pending its completion.

The larger part of the money for the erection of the building came from the sale of the Andover Theological Seminary's buildings and property at Andover, but several individual gifts were received, as, for example, the organ, and a large clock for the lounging room, presented by the trustees
