
Changes in Courses

The death of the Marquis de Bouthillier-Chavigny and the resignation of Mr. Alphonse Brun make necessary the following changes in the announcement of the Department of French: French 3, French Composition (elementary course), will be given by Mr. E. L. Raiche.--French 4hf., French Composition (intermediate course), and French 5hf., French Composition (advanced course), will be given by Mr. L. J. A. Mercler.

A new course in Spanish, Spanish 6hf., Spanish-American Poetry, will be given once a week during the first half year by Professor E. C. Hills, of Colorado College.

Comparative Literature 13hf., Danish and Norwegian Dramatists, which was announced as omitted in 1911-12, will be given on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, at 11 A. M., by Professor Schofield.

History 30hf., The Growth of the British Empire, a half-course during the first half-year, should be "starred,"--that is, it cannot be taken without the previous consent of the instructor.

Government 7, Problems of Municipal Administration in Europe and America, is a "starred" course.--Government 19, American Constitutional Law, which was announced as omitted in 1911-12, will be given, in the absence of Professor F. J. Stimson, by Mr. H. A. Yeomans' on Mondays, Wednesdays, and (at the pleasure of the instructor) Fridays, at 1.30 P. M. --Government 10 will be omitted in 1911- 12.


Education 3bhf., Secondary Education: Public High Schools, Endowed and Private Schools, will be given in the second half-year on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, at 1.30 P. M., by Mr. William Orr (Deputy Commissioner of Education, Commonwealth of Massachusetts) and Asst. Professor H. W. Holmes.

The death of Dr. R. M. McConnell makes necessary the following changes in the announcement of the Department of Social Ethics: Social Ethics 3hf., Criminology and Penology, will be omitted in 1911-12, and Social Ethics 5hf., The Moral Responsibilities of the Modern State, will be dropped from the list of courses.

Mathematics 8hf., Dynamics of Rigid and Elastic Bodies, and Mathematics 34hf., The Electron and the Electro-Magnetic field, will be given by Professor Max Mason, of the University of Wisconsin. These courses will be given during the second half-year, three times a week.

Mathematics 22hf., Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces, and Mathematics 30hf., Partial Differential Equations, will be given by Associate Professor G. A. Bliss, of the University of Chicago. These courses will be given three times a week, in the first half-year.

Business 20c, An introduction to the Technique of Printing, announced as a half-course in the first half-year, will be given as a full course throughout the year.

Economics 29hf., Socialism and the Social Movement in Europe, a half- course during the first half-year, is a a "starred" course.
