
Dining Halls Open This Morning

Memorial Hall.

Memorial Hall will open today for the year with breakfast at 7.15 o'clock. The hours for meals will be as follows: week-days, breakfast, 7.15 to 9.15; lunch, 12 to 1.30; dinner, 5.30 to 7.30; Sundays, and holidays, breakfast, 8 to 10; lunch, 12.30 to 1.45; dinner, 5.30 to 6.50. Any member of the University may become a member of the Hall by applying at the Auditor's Office today between 8 A. M. and 6 P. M., and any day hereafter. The price of board is $5.25 a week. The price of extras is indicated on the order-list. The charges for single meals are 30 cents for breakfast, 35 cents for lunch, and 50 cents for dinner.

Members who have filed a $400 bond at the Bursar's Office will be charged for board upon the term-bills issued in January and June. Other members are required to pay for board in advance, making a deposit for this purpose with the Bursar, at the rate of $6 a week. A member is charged for board at the established rate from the day his registration takes effect until the close of the Hall at the end of the academic year, except for deductions secured by withdrawal, week-end absence, or vacation.

Club tables will be assigned as soon as practicable after the Hall is opened to all groups of members wishing to eat together, the management reserving the right to fix the maximum and minimum membership. Each club table will choose one of its members to act for it in dealing with the management.

Mr. Frederick Wilkey, who managed the Harvard Union last year, has been engaged by the Corporation to take charge of the Dining Halls this season.


Randall Hall.

Randall Hall will open for breakfast today at 7.30. The hours of meals will be as follows: week-days, breakfast, 7.30 to 9.20; lunch, 12 to 1.35; dinner (except Saturdays, when it will be the same as on Sundays), 5.30 to 7.05; Sundays and holidays, breakfast, 8.15 to 9.30; lunch, 12.30 to 1.35; dinner, 5.30 to 6.35. Meals are served exclusively a la carte.

Within the limit of membership which may from time to time be fixed by the Council any student in the University and any officer of the University appointed by the Corporation is eligible for membership. The first time each year that a person eligible for membership goes to the Hall he will register by signing a card and giving evidence that he has filed the usual $400 bond with the Bursar, or made a deposit of $50. The membership fee for the year is $3.00, and this will be charged on the term-bill of those men who eat at the Hall for a longer period than one week.

Club tables may be assigned on the application of not less than twenty members. If the membership falls below this number the table may be dissolved.
