
1911 Exchange Professors

Professor Doktor Willy Kuekenthal Ph.D., professor of zoology and director of the Zoological Institute and Museum at the University of Breslau has been appointed visiting professor of zoology for the year 1911-12. His term of service will fall in the first half-year.

The visiting, professor is the most eminent authority in the world on his branch of marine zoology. He has traced the embryology of whales most systematically, having spent several years in the artic regions, and has published the result of his researches in scientific journals. His studies on the formation of corals have been exhaustive and have led to many interesting discoveries, due primarily to his deep-sea dredging. Professor Kuekenthal's courses will be two in number, both falling in the first half-year. Zoology 1, and Zoology 19. Zoology 1 is an introductory course and Zoology 19 advanced instruction in German on certain aspects of the comparative morphology of vertebrates. Professor Theobald Smith, Ph.B., M.D., A.M., LL.D., S.D., George Fabyan professor of comparative pathology, has been selected as Harvard's exchange professor in Germany. He will lecture at the University of Breslau.

The first visiting professor at the University under the new arrangements with the French Ministry of Public Instruction will be Professor Charles Diehl of the University of Paris who will give courses on the history of the Byzantine Empire. Professor Diehl has an international reputation and four of his books have been crowned by various French Academies. He is a member of the Institute de France. The courses which he gives are History 38 and History 52, the first on Byzantine History, the other on France in the Orient in the Middle Ages. Both courses fall in the first half-year. The University will be represented in France by Professor W. M. Davis, M.E., S.D., Ph.D., Sturgis-Hooper professor of geology. Professor Davis will lecture at the University of Paris from November 3 to March 15, giving a general course upon the forms of lands.

Professor E. C. Hills of Colorado College, Colorado, who is exchange professor with Professor A. B. Hart '80, will give a course, Spanish 6, on Spanish-American poetry in the first half-year, Professor Hart will lecture on American History while in the West.


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