
Team Standing in Leiter Cup Series

There remains but one game to be played in the Leiter Cup scrub baseball series. This is the championship game between the Bar Association and the Nine Muses, which will be played on a date to be decided upon by the competing teams. Both of these teams have come through the series so far with five victories and no defeats, and have as their only close competitor the Rough Diamonds, with four victories and one defeat. The standing of the teams in the round robin is as follows:   Won.  Lost.  Av. Bar Association,  5  0  1.000 Nine Muses,  5  0  1.000 Rough Diamonds,  2  2  .500 Midnight Sons,  2  3  .400 Whiffenpoofs,  1  4  .200 All-Boobs,  1  5  .167 Husky Hussies,  0  5  .000
