
International Track Meet Team

Eight Harvard athletes have been chosen to take part in the international games to be held in London sometime between July 8 and 12. From the Yale team seven men have been selected, and the question of whether Cable, or Childs of Yale, will represent the American universities is not yet decided.

The following is the make-up of the team with the exception of the entries for the hammer:

100-yard dash--F. A. Reilly and E. U. Thatcher of Yale.

Quarter-mile run--H. W. Kelley '11 and J. H. Stewart of Yale.

Half-mile run--B. M. Preble '12 and H. Jaques, Jr., '11.


Mile-run--H. P. Lawless '13.

Two-mile run--P. R. Withington '12 and W. F. Ryan '11.

Running high jump--A. D. Barker '11 and W. Canfield of Yale.

Running broad jump--R. J. Holden of Yale and J. R. Kilpatrick of Yale.

120-yard high hurdles--J. B. Cummings '13 and G. A. Chisholm of Yale.

It has not yet been decided what will be the distance of the long run in the games, for the Englishmen wish the race to be one of three miles, whereas the Americans insist that it will be impossible for their men, who are accustomed to the shorter distance, to get into condition for the extra mile in so short a time. Should the English universities agree to adding the shot-put to the list of events, Harvard and Yale will agree to the three-mile run.

The hurdles will be run on the grass, and the flights will be stationary, the Americans having yielded to this demand. Also Oxford and Cambridge have announced their willingness to allow freshmen at the American colleges to compete, and this makes a place on the team for Stewart, the Yale Freshman who did the quarter in 50 flat in the dual meet between the Harvard and Yale freshman teams.

R. C. Floyd '11 will manage, and W. F. Donovan will act as coach of the team.
