

For the first time since 1903 a Harvard baseball team has won the Commencement Day game at New Haven. In every way the result is of the greatest possible satisfaction to Harvard men. Playing on a strange field on the one day of the year when the home team is almost always victorious; at a time when factors other than unfamiliarity with the grounds tend to put a high premium on steadiness, the Harvard nine played championship baseball to the end. Of the coolness which the team developed despite every inducement to the opposite, too much praise cannot be given. Throughout the game the men seemed to possess that exact balance between confidence and anxiety so difficult to acquire and equally difficult to maintain. In short, the Harvard team proved equal to the occasion.

That such was the case we believe is due in the largest measure to the work of Dr. Sexton. The game was no lucky victory. Heavy hitting combined with the cleanest sort of fielding only goes to prove that the coach has turned out a team which, through a gradual process of development, has come to play as a unit. Dr. Sexton has earned the respect and personal regard of every man on the squad. 'To say that Harvard as a whole congratulates him is needless.

With full confidence in the coach and with the prestige of a victory, the team will enter the second game of the series on Friday. At that time Yale will play the best ball it knows how. If experience has impressed one fact on Harvard athletic teams it is that Yale never appears to better advantage than it does in a position similar to that which it will occupy at the beginning of the next game. Outplayed in every department of the game yesterday is exactly the circumstance which will induce to desperately accurate work on Soldiers Field the day after Class Day. Yesterday's victory was a glorious one, and Captain McLaughlin may well feel proud of the 1911 team. May Friday be equally glorious for Harvard, and may the captain be the first to break the long line of necessary third games in New York.

As to the College as a whole, it can journey to the Field on Friday confident that it will witness the best game of ball both teams are capable of playing.
