In case of rain the Class Day program will be as below. If it should stop raining during the day the regular program will be followed thereafter.
9 A. M.--Seniors report at Appleton Chapel for the address by the chaplain.
10.15 A. M.--Sanders Theatre will be open to ticket holders.
10.45 A. M.--Sanders Theatre will be closed to all but Seniors.
10.45 A. M.--All Seniors report in the transept of Memorial Hall to march into Sanders Theatre in a body.
2 P. M.--Gates will be closed and tickets required of all persons found in the Yard and all who enter thereafter.
2 to 7 P. M.--Music in Fogg Lecture Room and Memorial Hall.
3.30 P. M.--Seniors assemble in Sever 11 for the "Tree" exercises.
4 P. M.--The Ivy Oration will be given in Sanders Theatre and New Lecture Hall. Rainy day checks will be required for admission. All Seniors report at Sanders Theatre.
7 to 11 P. M.--Music in Sanders Theatre, Fogg Lecture Room, and New Lecture Hall.
8 to 11 P. M.--Dancing in Memorial Hall and the Gymnasium.
Seniors are especially requested to report punctually at all exercises.
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