
Final and Make-up Examinations

All examinations not otherwise specified begin at 9.15 A. M., and must not extend beyond three hours.

Regulations: "No student is permitted to take any books or papers into the examination room except by express direction of the instructor. No communication is permitted between students in the examination room on any subject." Final Examinations Today. Economics 3,  Harvard 6 Economics 8b,  Upper Mass. Egyptology 4,  Lower Mass. Fine Arts 8b,  Robinson French 2a I, II,  Pierce 202 French 2c v,  Lower Mass. Metallurgy 4,  Lower Mass. Music 4b hf.,  Holden Slavic 4 hf.,  Holden Spanish 1 I, II,  Harvard 5

Make-up Examinations Today at 9.15.

All Examinations in Holden.

German 1c. Mathematics A.


History 1.
