

The Committee on Organizations.

(We invite all men in the University to submit communications on subjects of timely interest.)

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

On account of some misunderstanding incident to the transferral of the functions of the Council of Federated Clubs to the Student Council Committee on Organizations, the latter presents the following statement:

The Council of Federated Clubs was abolished on April 15 by vote of its members, on the condition that the Student Council take over all its work. The executive committee of the Student Council appointed a new committee, on "Organizations," to carry on most of these duties. The chairman of the committee is always to be appointed by the Student Council executive committee, and there is an amendment now before the council to the effect that if the new chairman is not already a member of the council, he will be elected to it.

The Committee on Organizations has carried on the work of the date-book and calendar, the promotion of joint meetings, and the stimulation of individual clubs. A committee of the Student Council on "Complaints" has taken over the work of a forum, and the executive committee itself has assumed whatever disputes have arisen, and also relations with outside organizations.


The object of the date-book, as distinguished from the calendar in the CRIMSON, is to avoid conflicts. Many minor conflicts, and several large ones, have already been avoided. However, the committee believed that the real cause of many conflicts was due to the superabundance of 8 o'clock meetings and the lack of regular days for serial lectures. Mr. Whiting's concerts have been changed from Tuesday to Thursday evenings, to make Thursday a musical evening--with these and the Symphony concerts and Union pop-nights--and to leave the Union free right to Tuesday evening. Lectures held by the University or any club will, we hope, be held on other than Tuesday or Thursday evenings. By changing the 8 o'clock meetings to 8.15, we expect to make the 7 o'clock hour more attractive, with the result that some of the business meetings now held at 8 will be held at 7 o'clock. The Union, Mr. Whiting, Brooks House, the Music Department, and the Faculty have already agreed to have their entertainments at 8.15 o'clock. The date-book will contain dates of all these meetings as soon as announced.

The committee has now on file a list of officers of the 47 so-called "interest" clubs--like the Cosmopolitan Club, Musical Clubs, Debating Council--together with a short statement about each. Next year this information will be kept in the Union.

An arrangement has been made with the Business School whereby some of the students in accounting will, under the direction of Professor W. M. Cole, install a system of accounting for any club that desires it. Periodical auditing also is a part of the scheme. Any club of a University nature may accept this offer. So far 10 clubs have accepted.

Most of the territorial clubs in College are in an inactive state. Their great opportunity, by uniting the men in College, to crystallize the influence of the University in the various communities has been pointed out in a recent editorial in the CRIMSON. A member of this committee will help the territorial clubs to establish relations with the Alumni Association and their home Harvard clubs as suggested. STUDENT COUNCIL COMMITTEE ON ORGANIZATIONS.
