

Winners of Several Prizes Announced.-Ricardo Prize Scholarship.

The Faculty of Arts and Sciences has made the following awards of prizes and scholarships:

The Susan Anthony Potter Prize in Spanish Literature of the Golden Age to Henry Grattan Doyle '11, of Somerville, for an essay entitled "A Study of Elcurioso impertinente of Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra."

The Sales Prize to Frederick Wyman Whitman '12, of Dorchester, for a translation into Spanish of a passage from Strobel's "Spanish Revolution."

The judges were President Lowell, Professor J. D. M. Ford, and Dr. A. F. Whittem.

The Menorah Prize to Harry Wolfson '12, of New York, for an essay entitled "Maimonides and Helevi: A Study in Typical Jewish Attitudes toward Greek Philosophy in the Middle Ages"; honorable mention to Harry Wolfson '12 for an essay on "The Linguistic and Literary Development of Modern Hebrew," and to David Rubin '12, of Cleveland, Ohio, for an essay entitled "Hellenic and Hebraic Conceptions of Justice."


The judges were Professor Lyon, Professor Bliss Perry, and Professor Israel Friedlaender, of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America, New York, N. Y.

The Ricardo Prize Scholarship for 1911-12 to Phillip Benjamin Kennedy 2G., of Cambridge.

The Summer Prize to Henry Hurwitz 1G., of Gloucester, for an essay entitled "The Judicial Settlement of International Disputes." The judges were Messrs. George Wigglesworth and Robert Treat Paine '82, of Boston.

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