

Announcing Times of Exercises.--Ticket Requirements Explained.

The 1911 Class Day Committee announces the following program for the exercises to be held on June 22, if the weather is fair, if not, a rainy day program will be substituted.

9 A. M.--Seniors will assemble in front of Holworthy and march to Appleton Chapel, where prayer will be offered by Professor G. H. Palmer.

10.15 A. M.--Sanders Theatre will be open to ticket holders.

10.45 A. M.--The Senior class will assemble in front of Holworthy and march to Sanders Theatre.

10.55 A. M.--Sanders Theatre will be closed to all but Seniors.


2 P. M.--The Yard will be cleared and tickets will be required of all persons in the Yard and those who enter thereafter.

2-11 P. M.--Music in the Yard.

3.30 P. M.--Seniors assemble in front of Holworthy.

3.45 P. M.--Seats in Stadium will be open to ticket holders.

3.45 P. M.--Graduates, the three lower classes, and the Glee Club assemble in the Yard.

4.15 P. M.--Graduates, the three lower classes, and the Glee Club march to the Stadium. Seniors, led by class officers, march around the Yard, cheering the buildings and the Tree, followed by Tree exercises, open only to Seniors, back of Hollis.

4.30 P. M.--Seniors march to the Stadium.

7-11 P. M.--Illumination in the Yard.

8-11 P. M.--Dancing in the Gymnasium and Memorial Hall.

9 A. M.--The Glee Club will sing on the front steps of Sever.

Tickets Required.

All who wish to enter the Yard after 2 P. M. must be provided with a Yard ticket. A Yard ticket will admit to the Yard only. Memorial tickets will admit to Memorial Hall and to the Gymnasium in the evening, but not to the Yard. After 9 P. M. no Yard tickets will be given out to persons leaving the Yard. Each person leaving the Yard after 9 P. M. may purchase one return ticket at 25 cents. After 9 P. M. arrangements will be made for persons leaving the Yard by exits 8 or 10 for Memorial Hall and the Gymnasium, whereby they may receive special return Yard tickets.

Ticket holders are reminded of the fact that they have pledged themselves not to distribute Class Day tickets to any except their friends. 1911 CLASS DAY COMMITTEE.
