
Final and Make-up Examinations

All examinations not otherwise specified begin at 9.15 A. M., and must not extend beyond three hours.

Regulations: "No student is permitted to take any books or papers into the examination room except by express direction of the instructor. No communication is permitted between students in the examination room on any subject whatever."

"A student who is not in the examination room within five minutes after the hour appointed for the examination shall not be admitted without permission of the instructor or of the officer in general charge of the examinations." Final Examinations Today. Anthropology 10,  Peabody Museum Astronomy 1: Allen to Morriss (inclusive),  Sever 5 Morton to Wright (inclusive),  Sever 6 Botany 13,  Sever 6 Chemistry 3,  Fogg Lec.-rm Comp. Lit. 7,  Upper Mass. Economics 15,  Sever 6 Economics 18:

Adams to Robinson (inclusive),  New Lecture HallRogers to Wyeth (inclusive),  Emerson DEducation 3b,  Lawrence 7Engineering 5c:Alger to Miley (inclusive),  Pierce 202Morrison to Whitney (inclusive),  Pierce 209Engineering 5f,  Pierce 209Engineering 161,  Pierce 209English 3b,  Lower Mass.English 11b,  Harvard 5English 37,  Harvard 6Fine Arts 2a,  RobinsonFrench 2c IV,  Sever 29Geology B:Abbe to Herter (inclusive),  Sever 17Hodgdon to Wright (inclusive),  Sever 18German C,  Emerson DGerman 1b,  Pierce 212German 2c,  Fogg Lec.-rmGovernment 24,  Lower Mass.Greek 1b,  Sever 30History 8,  Emerson JHistory 10b,  Emerson JHistory 24b,  Zool. Lec.-rmLatin B, Sections I, II, III:Anderson to Hurst (inclusive),  Sever 35Kelly to Witkin (inclusive),  Sever 36Latin 8,  Sever 30Mathematics F, Section I:Bell to Horgan (inclusive),  Sever 23Josephs to Winslow (inclusive),  Sever 24Mathematics H,  Robinson, 1fl.Mathematics 2,  Upper Mass.Mathematics 14b,  Sever 30Mining 17,  Emerson JMusic 2a hf.,  HoldenSemitic 4,  Sem. Mus. 2Social Ethics 6,  Emerson DSpanish 1 IV, V,  Upper Mass.Spanish 3,  Lower Mass.Zoology 11,  Zool. Lecer
