
Interscholastic Track Entries Due

Entries for the twenty-sixty annual Harvard interscholastic tract meet, which will be held on Soldiers Field at 2.30 o'clock, Saturday, May 20, will close tomorrow. The meet will consist of the regular track events with the exception of the two-mile run, which will be omitted. In the field events the 12-pound hammer will be substituted for the 16-pound hammer, as is the usual custom. Gold, silver and bronze medals will be given to winners of first, second, and third places, and the team scoring the greatest number of points will hold for one year, the cup presented by Harvard graduates and members of the Boston Athletic Association. In addition, the Harvard Athletic Association will present a suitable trophy to be kept permanently by the winning team. Exeter won the meet last year with a score of 48 1-2 points, with Worcester Academy second.

Tickets, at 50 cents each, admitting to all parts of the field, have been placed on sale at Leavitt & Peirce's and at Wright & Ditson's Boston. Tickets will be mailed to competitors next Monday.
