
1914 Baseball Team vs. St. Mark's

The Freshman baseball team will play its first game away from home with St. Mark's at Southboro this afternoon at 2.30 o'clock. St. Mark's has a strong team this year in all departments, and a good game should result. The batting orders: HARVARD 1914.  ST. MARK'S Wingate, 3b.  c.f., Halcomb Clark, c.f.  2b., Brooks Milholland, 1b.  l.f., Cunningham Reynolds, c.  1b., Flichiner Williams, s.s.  3b., Taylor Bettle, l.f.  r.f., Choate Perkins, r.f.  s.s., Ervin Harvey, 2b.  c., Bradlce Boyle, p.  p., Smith
