

"Yonder on the Delta stands a hall built in memory of Harvard men, who gave all they had or hoped for in this life that their country should be one, and should be ruled in the spirit of a broad and generous democracy. So high were the hopes of these men, so firm their resolve that our land should be the home of a free united people, a field for the full development of the human race, that they thought no price too great to pay for that end".

In these words Major Higginson aptly phrased the common opinion of those patriots who fought for the national honor and whose memory we shall observe tomorrow. At the exercises in Sanders Theatre Rev. H. G. Spaulding will speak on "Charles Sumner". To hear an account of such a patriot from one who knew him should be historically of great interest to all. To become better acquainted with the ideals for which our forefathers were willing to lay down their lives should be a strong factor toward a deeper appreciation of the duties of American citizenship.
