The University team hit the ball hard yesterday, defeating the Pilgrims 6 to 5. Fourteen hits for a total of 20 bases was Harvard's record, but Hicks kept the hits fairly well scattered, holding down the score. On the other hand, the visitors acquired but eight safe ones off McKay, though half of these were concentrated in the last three innings and, coupled with the misplays of the University team, enabled the visitors to pile up five tallies.
Potter batted strongly and had to his credit a homer, a triple and a single out of three times at bat. Two of the hits drove in runners on bases. For the Pilgrims Simons led at bat with two hits.
Sensational fielding was not the rule for either nine, though Potter accepted nine chances with only one misplay and Wadsworth made several pretty stops. The visitors made two double plays and the home team one. Left on bases--Harvard, 6; Pilgrims, 5. Two-base hit--McKay. Three-base hit--Potter. Home run--Potter. Sacrifice hits--Carr, Potter, Howe. Stolen bases--Rogers, Potter, Logan, Wadsworth. Double plays--Hicks to Logan; Simons to Wadsworth to Harding; Carr to Potter to Kennedy. Bases on balls--Off McKay, 1; off Hicks, 1. Struck out--By McKay, 3; by Hicks, 3. Umpire--Conroy. Time--1h., 55min.
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