
Race Won by Second 1914 Crew

The second Freshman crew defeated Middlesex School by a length and a half over the three-quarter of a mile course above the Stillman Infirmary yesterday afternoon. Considering that they far outweighed their opponents, the work of the Freshman eight was poor. Half way through the race number 6 in the Middlesex boat jumped his slide, after which the winners drew rapidly ahead. No time was taken.

The orders:

Second 1914 crew.--Stroke, E. Curtis; 7, L. Curtis; 6, Cleary; 5, Storer; 4, Henry; 3, Saltonstall; 2, Wentworth; bow, Carver; cox., Hay.

Middlesex.--Stroke, Brown; 7, Meyer; 6, Storrow; 5, Thorndike; 4, Moffat; 3, Boyden; 2, Mott; bow, Eaton; cox., Munsell.
