

Play to Begin by Classes This Afternoon. Winners Meet for Championship.

The annual spring interclass tennis tournament will begin at 2.30 o'clock this afternoon on the courts at Jarvis and Soldiers Fields. All undergraduates who have entered have been divided into four groups by classes. The men in each division will play for their class championship, and the four winners will enter the series for the College championship. The winners of the class tournaments will receive cups.

In the preliminary rounds, the matches will be for the best two out of three sets; in the finals, for the best three out of five. Deuce and advantage sets are optional only in the semi-finals. Matches must be played on the day scheduled or defaulted. If a player is more than 30 minutes late, he will lose by default. Courts will be reserved for the matches, but players must supply their own balls.

Score-cards have been placed in the Crimson Office, where the results of the matches must be posted by the winners before 6.30 o'clock on the day of the match; otherwise, both contestants will be considered out of the tournament. No man who is on probation is eligible to play.

The drawings for the preliminary rounds to be played today are as follows:

1911.--Jarvis Field at 4: G. M. Glover vs. J. Elliot, J. R. Tunis vs. H. A. Johnson; E. Hutchins vs. L. McK. Miller, R. Williams vs. W. B. Fraser-Campbell.


1912.--Jarvis Field at 2.30: H. R. Bowser vs. J. H. Pettus, winner to play A. Richard at 4. Following play at 4: C. S. Cutting vs. W. S. Worcester, F. C. Gray vs. J. Eliot, E. S. Lancaster vs. W. C. Codman, H. S. Woodward vs. P. C. Cummin, G. W. Wightman vs. J. A. Simpson, A. Boltzley vs. P. K. Houston, A. M. Hyde vs. E. S. Winston.

1913.--Jarvis Field at 2.30: H. P. U. Alsop vs. A. J. Lowrey, J. C. Faulkner, Jr., vs. S. P. Speer, H. S. McKee vs. R. G. Vickery, J. Munroe vs. H. N. Baldwin, C. C. Kimball vs. E. S. Harrington, W. B. Harris vs. P. T. Iaccaci, Q. A. S. McKean vs. B. Smith. Following play at 4: R. H. Loenholm vs. G. Sturgis, F. Minot vs. N. E. Paine, Jr., W. R. Taggart vs. J. A. Cook, H. S. Smith vs. G. B. Post.

1914.--Soldiers Field at 2.30: F. V. Burton, Jr., vs. A. L. Lincoln, Jr., O. Williams vs. W. Smith, J. H. MacLeod vs. L. Curtis, Jr., G. B. Kayser vs. L. Wade 2d, E. H. Wiswall vs. D. R. Hansen, W. G. Brackett, Jr. vs. G. Bettle, G. H. Fiske vs. J. K. Hodges, E. W. Brewer, 'Jr. vs. A. R. Suckley, J. F. Brown vs. J. C. Devereux, R. S. Grinnell vs. R. W. Stevenson, E. B. Starbuck vs. H. C. Place. Following play at 4: S. Hoffman vs. A. Walter, H. C. Morgan vs. H. A. Lawton, E. H. Woods vs. F. M. H. Dazey, E. H. Whitney vs. W. A. Willetts, G. F. Plimpton vs. J. C. Cleave, C. F. Maxwell vs. C. H. Weston, K. C. Parker vs. S. Adams, M. Hiller vs. R. H. Kettle, A. Morris vs. E. R. Hastings, Jr., W. Faulkner vs. D. B. Buffum.

Owing to the small number of entries from the upper classes additional entries may be made at Leavitt & Peirce's up to 6 o'clock this afternoon.
