
Plans for Northfield Conference

The annual Northfield Student Conference of Young Men's Christian Associations, which is to be held this year on the grounds of the Northfield Seminary, East Northfield, from June 23 to July 2, inclusive, has announced its plans, including the list of leaders and speakers. This year's conference, which will be the twenty-fifth anniversary of the first summer conference for students called by Mr. Moody, promises to be one of the most interesting that has ever been held.

Mr. John R. Mott, who has been absent at the time of the summer conferences for the past two years, will preside over the conference this year, and Mr. Robert E. Speer, who was last year absent at the Edinburgh Mission Conference, and who on the preceding summer was making a trip through South America studying the needs of that continent, will also be present. Other speakers will include the Rev. Henry Sloan Coffin, Bishop A. S. Lloyd, Professor Harlan P. Beach, Professor Philip M. Rhinelander, Rev. Sam. Higginbottom, Rev. Harry Emerson Fosdick, Rev. Artley E. Parson, Rev. H. Roswell Bates, and many more, all well known to those who have attended the conferences in past years.

Besides the opportunities offered to college men in the way of hearing well-known religious workers, Northfield presents wonderful opportunities in the way of Bible and mission study, study of social problems, and group conferences as to life work. Not the least valuable of the college man's experiences at Northfield, however, is that of meeting other college men, for Northfield is always attended by large delegations of students from all the more important institutions of learning in the eastern United States and Canada.

The entire afternoon of each day is given over to athletic sports, including baseball, tennis, golf, and track, and interesting contests are held by the various institutions represented at the conference.

From August 4 to 20, inclusive, the General Conference of Christian Workers will be held, and a great many interesting and able speakers have been secured for this conference.


Programs of these two conferences may be obtained from Mr. Ambert G. Moody, East Northfield, Mass., and further information concerning them may be secured at Phillips Brooks House. The Harvard delegation to the student conference this year promises to be double that of last year, when thirty undergraduates were present. Any men who are planning to attend this year should report at Phillips Brooks House, or communicate with W. M. Danner '13.
