
Tickets for Intercollegiate Meet

The thirty-sixth annual intercollegiate track meet, which will be held in the Stadium this year, will begin at 2.30 o'clock on Friday, May 26, when the qualifying rounds in the dashes, hurdles, field and weight events will be held. The finals of all events will be held on Saturday, beginning at 3 o'clock.

On Friday general admission to the qualifying rounds will be 50 cents, admitting anywhere in the Stadium. On Saturday prices will be as follows: seats in sections 20 to 25 in the curve of the Stadium, and in the first two rows in sections 26 to 31, near the field events and the finish of the hurdles, dashes, and distance runs, $1.50 each; tickets admitting to sections 13 to 19 inclusive, and the west side of the Stadium, except the first two rows of sections 26 to 31, and all sections 20 to 25 inclusive, $1 each; general admission to sections 1 to 12 on the east side of the Stadium, 50 cents.

Application blanks may be obtained at the Athletic Office, and applications will be received until 5 o'clock Friday afternoon, May 19. On Saturday, May 20, all unsold tickets will be placed on public sale.
