Entries for the annual 440-yard handicap race for the Wells Cup, which will be held in the Stadium tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock, will close today at 6 o'clock, and may be made before that time in the blue-books provided for the purpose at the Locker Building and at Leavitt & Peirce's. The race will be open to all members of the University, but men on probation, or who have not passed satisfactory strength tests since January 1, will not be allowed to compete.
The winner of tomorrow's race will be allowed to hold the cup for one year, and any one winning the cup four years in succession will hold it permanently. The winners for the last three years have been as follows: 1908--F. M. de Selding '10; 1909--H. W. Kelley '11; 1910--G. P. Gardner, Jr., '10.
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