
Harvard Clubs at St. Paul This Year

The fifteenth annual meeting of the Associated Harvard Clubs will be held in St. Paul and Minneapolis, Minn., on Friday and Saturday, June 9 and 10. About thirty Harvard men from Boston and New England cities have already signified their intention of going to the meeting and it is expected that about fifty will finally make up the party. President Lowell will be among the men who will go from Boston.

The delegation will go to St. Paul in a special train, leaving Wednesday afternoon, June 7. The sessions of the meeting will be held on June 9 and 10, the business meeting Friday being followed by an automobile trip in the late afternoon. Friday evening there will be class dinners and a general smoker, and Saturday will be spent in entertainments and sports with the annual banquet at the St. Paul Hotel in the evening.

Following the session some of the delegates will accept the invitation of H. Elliott '81, president of the Northern Pacific Railroad, who has offered a special train for an excursion to Yellowstone Park, lasting about a week.
