
Freshman Baseball With Exeter

The Freshman baseball team will leave the Square at 12.30 o'clock this afternoon to play Phillips Exeter Academy at Exeter, N. H. The game was originally scheduled to be played in Cambridge but was transferred at the last moment to Exeter.

The Freshman team has been playing remarkably good ball this year and is composed of a number of star players. Captain Wingate shows promise of developing into one of the best third basemen that a Freshman team has had in a long time. Reynolds and Clark at catch and short, respectively, contend for honors in batting, both being dependable upon to secure a hit when it is needed.

The Exeter team has progressed five weeks in its season and has thus far won seven out of nine games. It is not composed of many veteran players and has not yet been finally picked.

The line-ups: HARVARD 1914.  EXETER. Wingate, 3b.  r.f., Brickly Harvey, 2b.  1b., Fox Reynolds, c.  c.f., Vaughn Clark, s.s.  l.f., Frye Milholland, 1b.  c., Foley Perkins, c.f.  2b., Perkins Randall, r.f.  s.s., Low Bettle, l.f.  3b., Taylor Boyle, p.  p., Donovan


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