
St. George's an Easy Victim for 1914

The Freshman baseball team easily defeated St. George's School Saturday afternoon by a score of 15 to 3. It was the first errorless game the Freshmen have played and went off in a clean, fast way. Clark's hitting was the feature of the afternoon. He secured two singles, a three-bagger, and a home run out of five times up. Sturgis pitched a good game for 1914, striking out 12 men, and Harvey excelled in base-running, though all the Freshmen were fast on bases.

The score by innings: Innings,  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 R.  H.  E. 1914,  1  0  0  3  1  0  5  1  4-15  11  0 S. George's,  2  0  0  0  0  0  0  1  0-3  7  3

Batteries.-Harvard 1914: Sturgis and Osborn; St. George's: Swain and Hoskier.
