

Under the present system of probation, no student fears it very much unless he is an athlete, a member of the Musical Clubs, or has some such outside interest. To the majority of undergraduates, probation means practically nothing but the necessity of keeping College engagements regularly. Some men get placed upon probation with a surprising regularity at certain times every year. Many come to expect it as a matter of course-rather a bore, indeed, because it places them under the necessity of ceasing cutting, but otherwise hardly worthy of passing notice. That such an attitude should be allowed to exist is unfortunate. Probation should be made to mean something more. It is true that the matter is serious when some excellent athlete is not able to compete in sports because of probation. The affair is then lamented by the whole College as well as the unfortunate individual, but this occurs rather infrequently. We believe that probation should be, and easily could be, made a more serious punishment. One way to do this would be to limit rigidly the number of times that a student could be placed upon probation during his College course. If he receive a probation record after having been on probation twice before, separation from the College might well follow. With the adoption of such a rule men, instead of considering this punishment lightly, would try very hard to keep their records up, for they would then realize that probation was a very real step towards expulsion.
