As a result of the final competition for the Boylston Prizes for Elocution held in Sanders Theatre last evening the following awards were made: first prizes-William Griswold Beach '11, "Danny Deever"; Max Gordon '11, "Gungha Din"; second prizes-Harold Brightman '11, "Closing speech in behalf of Madame X"; Charles Walter Findlay '12, "A Plea for Cuba"; Oswald Ryan '11, "The New South."
The judges were as follows: C. F. Adams, 2d, '88, Dr. A. T. Cabot '72, Professor H. N. Davis, A.M. '03, Dr. R. H. Fitts, Morris Gray '77, Hon. C. Guild '81, Rev. E. S. Rousmaniere '83, J. J. Storrow '85, Dr. K. G. T. Webster '93, C. M. Weld '80.
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