Following is the program for the Pop Concert in Symphony Hall this evening: 1.March, "Queen of Sheba," Gounod 2. Overture, "The Barber of Seville," Rossini 3. Waltz, "Du und Du," Strauss 4. Selection, "Il Trovatore," Verdi 5. Overture, "Rienzi," Wagner 6. Valse Lente and Pizzicato from Suite "Sylvia," Delibes 7. Romance for Violin, (Mr. J. Hoffmann) Strube 8. Fete Bohente from "Scenes Pittoresques," Massenet 9. Selection, "Mile. Modiste," Herbert 10. a. The Rosary, Nevin b. Country Dance, Nevin 11. Waltz, "Rain of Gold," Waldteufel 12. March, "Black Bess," Strube
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