
Intercollegiate Glider Meet May 27

The intercollegiate glider meet which was to be held for four days, beginning May 3, has been postponed, and will be held from May 27 to 30, inclusive.

The new date has been chosen to allow several colleges to compete which could not get gliders ready by May 3. The meet will be held at the Harvard Aviation Field, Atlantic, under the auspices of the Harvard Aeronautical Society.

The glider slope which Harvard graduates in Boston have provided for the meet has been completed and the Aeronautical Society, as well as the club of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, already has a new glider of the Wright type in the hangar on the field. There is only one hangar completed thus far, but at the time of the meet there will be more to shelter the gliders of the universities which outer. While the meet is in progress it is probable that members of the aviation school conducted by W. Starling Burgess Co., of Marble head, will give short exhibition flights at the field.
