The following committee has been appointed to manage the Leiter Cup baseball series: A. Harvey, Jr., '11, chairman; W. C. Brown '14, J. Munroe '13, J. L. Stebbins '12. Blue-books for receiving entries have been placed at Leavitt & Peirce's.
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Leiter Cup Entries Close at 6Entries for the Leiter Cup baseball series will close this evening at 6 o'clock, when the blue-books will be removed
Last Entries for Leiter Cup Series Due TonightEntries for the Leiter Cup baseball series, which will begin next Monday afternoon, will close this evening at 6 o'clock.
Entries for Scrub Baseball SeriesThe blue-books are now ready at Leavitt & Peirce's for the Leiter Cup baseball series. The name of the team,
Entries for Leiter Cup SeriesEntries for the Leiter Cup baseball series will close on Friday, April 16, at 6 o'clock. Blue-books have been placed
Leiter Cup Entries ExtendedAll entries in the Leiter cup scrub baseball series must be made in the blue-books at Leavitt & Peirce's immediately.