

University Baseball and Lacrosse Teams Play at Baltimore, Md., Today.

The University baseball team will play the first game on the southern trip when it meets Johns Hopkins this afternoon at Baltimore, Md. Several changes will be made in the batting order from that used in the game with the Red Sox on Tuesday. All of the squad will be given a try-out either in this game or in the daily practice games which will be played with Annapolis next week.

The trip is to be used for sizing up the material, and after the return of the squad to Cambridge a cut will be made and those men retained who will be kept through the season. The team will leave Baltimore immediately after today's game for Annapolis, where they will stay until Thursday or Friday.

Lacrosse Game.

The University lacrosse team will play the first game of its southern trip with Johns Hopkins at Baltimore, Md., this afternoon. As lacrosse is a prominent sport at Johns Hopkins, excellent teams are turned out, and the game today should be close. Last year Johns Hopkins was victorious by the score of 6 to 3.

The University team has played but one game so far this season, winning from Springfield Training School last Saturday by the score of 7 to 2. The team is made up largely of veterans and a strong attack is being developed. The line-ups: HARVARD.  JOHNS HOPKINS. Brightman, g.  g., Sutton, Sears Washburn, p.  i.h., Kline Simmons, c.p.  o.h., Stockett Hale, 1d.  1a., Hulburt Webber, 2d.  2a., Gail Nash, 3d.  3a., Tappan Foristall, c.  c., Wolfe Gustafson, 3a.  3d., Gillet Fitts, 2a.  2d., Hopkins Beatley, 1a.  1d., Huck Parker, o.h.  c.p., Benedict Earle, i.h.  p., Schmeisser
