

By the end of the present month all Freshmen will be obliged to submit to their advisers a complete schedule of studies for the remainder of their College course, in accordance with the rules on the choice of electives adopted by the Faculty last year. Every member of the class has been provided recently with a printed statement from the College Office giving the division of all undergraduate courses into the four groups, together with the rules governing the selection of courses. Ignorance of facts, therefore, cannot be given as an excuse for procrastination in preparing the schedules.

The importance of making an intelligent and far-sighted choice of courses cannot be over-emphasized. All too frequently we hear the criticism that college students obtain no lasting benefit from the four years spent in their higher education simply because they do not correlate the subjects which they elect to study. The prime object of limiting the choice of electives is to obviate this criticism by directing the student's choice properly into the different fields of learning.

Although students are expected to conform to the new distribution of courses, the Committee on the Choice of Electives stands ready to grant exceptions freely "in the case of earnest students who desire to change at a later time the plans made in their Freshman year" and to make "liberal allowances for earnest students who show that their courses are well distributed, even though they may not conform exactly to the rules laid down for distribution."
