

44 to 10 in One-Sided Contest at Hemenway Gymnasium Last Night.

The University gymnastic team defeated Amherst in a dual meet yesterday evening at the Hemenway Gymnasium by the score of 44 to 10. H.V. Coryell '11 scored the most points for Harvard, winning four firsts and one third, his work on the side horse being of a high order. For Amherst, E.S. Whitten did the best work, scoring three and one-half points. Amherst, however, did not display the finish of the University team.

The summary:

Horizontal bar.--Won by H.V. Coryell '11; second, C. Mashima '12; third, tie between L.E. Wakelee, Amherst, and E.S. Whitten, Amherst.

Side horse.--Won by H.V. Coryell '11; second, E.N. Cleaves '11; third, J.R. Morton '13.

Parallel bars.--Won by H.V. Coryell '11; second, R.M. Bristol, Amherst; third, R.B. Whitelaw '11.


Flying rings.--Won by R.B. Whitelaw '11; second, C., Mashima '12; third, N.S. Stern '12.

Club swinging.--Won by H.V. Coryell '11; second, E.S. Whitten, Amherst; third, J.S. Hutchinson '13.

Tumbling.--Won by E.N. Cleaves '11; second, L.E. Wakelee, Amherst; third, H.V. Coryell '11.

Judges.--C. Eberhard, B.A.A., J.L. Mason, Brookline Municipal Gymnasium, C. Schrader, Hemenway Gymnasium.
