Class Lists for Officers.
All Senior class officers may obtain class lists by applying for them at Claverly 24. J.A. SWEETSER, Secretary.
Pledges to Class Fund.
Pledges to the Class Fund have been coming in with such unusual slowness as to cause grave doubts in regard to the success of the Fund; in fact, fewer pledges than "Lives" have been received. It will prove of enormous help in the bookkeeping, if pledges are sent in at once, whether or not accompanied by the first installment. Acknowledgments should have been received by all men who have sent in pledges and new cards will be sent upon application.
The spirit and purpose of the Fund will be destroyed, if anyone regards it as a drain, and in this connection it should be remembered that the final payment will not be due until June 1, 1915. A. SWEETSER, Treasurer.
Class Day Designs Due Friday.
All Seniors wishing to hand in designs for Class Day tickets are reminded that Friday is the last day on which these will be received. Designs should be sent to R.C. Floyd '11, Hollis 28. The successful competitor will be given free tickets by the committee. CLASS DAY COMMITTEE.
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