

On "Problem in Vice and Crime" In New Lecture Hall at 4.30.

Judge Ben B. Lindsey, of Denver, Colorado, will deliver the sixth of the series of lectures on "The Social Problem and its Remedies" in New Lecture Hall this afternoon at 4.30 o'clock. His special subject will be "The problem in Vice and Crime." The lecture will be open to the public.

Judge Lindsey has been judge of the County Court and the Juvenile Court of Denver since 1901. He has won an international reputation as the promoter of the juvenile court system and the originator of some of its features. He is the author of "Problems of the Children," "The Beast and the Jungle," and "The Rule of Plutocracy in Colorado."

Two Other Addresses by Judge Lindsey.

Judge Lindsey will meet the members of the Social Politics Club at the house of Professor L. J. Johnson '87 this evening and deliver a short address. Tomorrow morning, Judge Lindsey will speak on "Woman's Suffrage in Colorado" before the Cambridge Political Equality Association in Brattle Hall at 10.30 o'clock.


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