
1913 Won Lacrosse Championship

The Sophomores won the interclass lacrosse series by defeating the Juniors on Soldiers Field yesterday afternoon by the score of 2 to 1. The playing was fast and both goals were often threatened, but the blocking of both teams was ineffective as the men were inclined to use their sticks rather than their bodies.

The Juniors made their only goal after eight minutes of play, Davies caging the ball from scrimmage. Just before the end of the half Beatley scored for the Sophomores on a pass from Brock. Their second score was made in the second half by Bail on a pass from Beatley. Halle excelled in distance of passes and Gustafson in carrying the ball. The summary: 1912.  1913. Durfee, g.  g., Halle Boyd, p.  i.h., Bail Mansfield, Briggs, c.p.  o.h., Brock Hale, 1d.  1a., Beatley Warren, 2d.  2a., Ellis Nichols, 3d.  3a., White Roberts, c.  c., McDonald, Drucker, Emery Gustafson, 3a.  3d., Graustein Bernard, Wiener, 2a.  2d., Dennett, Callanan Parker, 1a.  1d., Hutchinson Candee, o.h.  c.p., Davies Earle, i.h.  p., Conant

Score--1913, 2; 1912, 1. Goals--Bail, Beatley, Davies. Referee--W. H. Thompson uL. Goal umpires--H. Goepper 2G.B., S. Smith 2G. Timekeeper--S. S. Kingman '12. Halves--20 and 15 minutes.

The following Sophomores won their numerals: H. V. Ball, R. Beatley, H. G. Brock, P. E. Callanan, I. M. Conant, W. W. Davies, P. Dennett, H. W. Drucker, G. M. Ellis, R. T. Emery, E. A. Graustein, J. M. Halle, J. S. Hutchinson, A. McDonald, J. W. White.

The men who entered the game in the first line-up will be awarded cups by the Athletic Committee.
