

Four Members Chosen from Senior Class. --Fifth Place to be Filled Later.

Four men from the class of 1911 have been elected additional members of the Phi Beta Kappa Society. One more member will be chosen later in the year after Commencement Honors have been announced. The men chosen are members of the Senior class who have combined distinguished excellence in scholarship with marked ability in other intellectual interests.

The following names are arranged alphabetically, and not according to order of election or rank in scholarship:

Durr Friedley, Indianapolis, Ind.

Paul Mariett, Springfield, Vt.

Jay Morrison, Billings, Mont.


Oswald Ryan, Indianapolis, Ind.

The provision in the constitution of the Phi Beta Kappa Society under which these men were elected reads as follows: "In order to meet exceptional cases where persons have shown distinguished excellence in scholarship, but have failed, for reasons not affecting their good characters to come within the requirements of Section 5 (which describes the procedure in the first elections), the immediate members may elect additional persons from their own class, not exceeding five in number."
