Hon. Jonathan Bourne, Jr., ex-'77, United States Republican Senator from Oregon, and member of the Portland Chamber of Commerce, will deliver the eighth of a series of lectures on "The Social Problem and Its Remedies," in New Lecture Hall this afternoon at 4.30 o'clock. He will take as his subject "The Insurgents' Remedy." The lecture is open to the public.
Senator Bourne is president of the National Progressive Republican League, an organization recently formed at Washington. It was organized for the purpose of promoting progressive legislation and of thwarting the pernicious influence of special interests. The league believes that popular government is fundamental to all other questions. To this end it advocates the election of United States Senators by direct vote of the people, direct primaries for the nomination of all elective officials, the direct election of delegates to national conventions with opportunity for the voter to express his choice for President and Vice-President, amendment to state constitutions providing for the initiative, referendum, and recall, and a thorough general corrupt practice act.
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