

Mr. Whiting's Last Recital on Friday.

(We invite all men in the University to submit communications on subjects of timely interest.)

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

May I call the attention of the students through your columns to the unusual attractiveness of the last exposition in Mr. Whiting's series which is to take place this coming Friday evening in New Lecture Hall. The program is to consist of sonatas and trios for the seldom heard combination of violin, waldhorn, and pianoforte from the compositions of Mozart, Tartini, Corelli, and Brahms. The sonata by Tartini in particular is one of the most celebrated works in the whole Italian school.

The violinist will be Mr. Noach, second concert meister of the Boston Symphony Orchestra and a distinguished player. The horn, which students seldom have an opportunity to hear in this intimate way, will be played by Mr. Wendler, also a member of the same orchestra. Every student who cares for music should make a special effort to hear this delightful and instructive program. It is an artistic treat which can be rarely offered.
